Associated Faculty Members and their Research Areas
Department of Electrical Engineering
- Prof Ranjan Bose: - Information Theory, Coding Theory, Wireless Security and Physical Layer Security.
- Prof B.K Panigrahi: - Power Quality, FACTS Device, Power System Protection and AI Application to Power System.
- Dr Nilanjan Senroy: - Power System Stability and Control, Wide area Measurement and Control and Statistical Techniques in Power Systems and Power Quality.
- Prof Bhim Singh: - Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Drives, HVDC, FACTS, Power Quality, Renewable Energy , DSP Based Control of Power Converter and Drive.
- Prof Shankar Prakriya:-Signal Processing for Communications, Communication Systems, Equalization, Multiuser and Multicarrier Communication, Space-Time Processing, Parameter Estimation.
- Dr Saif K Mohammed:- Wireless Communication (Large MIMO Systems/Massive MIMO Systems), Communication Theory and Systems, Information Theory, Statistical Signal Processing.
- Dr Harshan Jagadeesh:- Wireless networks, Coding theory, Distributed Storage Networks, Wireless Security, Cyber-Physical Systems
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
- Prof Huzur Saran: - Wireless Networks, Systems & Network Security, Network Performance Analysis, and Algorithms.
- Prof Sanjiva Prasad: - Design and implementation of programming languages for mobile distributed computing, Process calculi for mobility, Security protocols and Type systems and functional programming.
- Prof Saroj Kaushik: - Artificial Intelligence, Location Based Services.
Dr Ragesh Jaiswal: - Algorithms, Complexity, Theoretical Cryptography and Machine Learning.
Prof Smruti Ranjan Sarangi: - Multicore processors, Networks on Chip, Operating Systems for Parallel Computers and Parallel algorithms.
Dr Subodh Sharma: - High-Performance Computing, Concurrency, and Formal Verification.
Department of Management Studies
- Prof M.P. Gupta: - Cloud information Systems and Information system management and E-Commerce and E-governance.
- Dr Arpan Kumar Kar: - E-business, E-commerce, E-governance, M-commerce, Decision support systems and Business analytics.
- Dr Vigneshwara: - Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), Urban Women Microentrepreneurs & Mobile phones, Electronic Governance, ICT Employment in India, Indian IT Industry - Inter-firm linkages, Small firms, R&D centers of MNCs, Social Media and Business applications.
- Prof Ravi Shankar: - Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Project Management, Total Quality Management & Six Sigma, Strategic Technology Management, Quantitative modeling, Knowledge Management.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Prof S.P. Singh: - Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Composite Materials, Machine Design, Active Vibration Control and Nano-Mechanics.
Department of Civil Engineering
- Dr Suresh Bhalla: - Smart materials and structures.Structural health monitoring, Non-destructive evaluation, Engineered Bamboo structure, Tensegrity structures, Underground structures, Smart material technologies for bio-mechanics systems, Experimental system identification, Experimental structural dynamics and Adaptation and transfer of aerospace technologies to civil engineering systems and Energy harvesting.
Department of Mathematics
- Prof Niladri Chatterjee: - Machine Translation, Artificial Intelligence, Reasoning, Statistical Modelling and Semantic Web.
Air Jordan